Monday, February 9, 2015

Monday Morning Blues

Its Monday and while I don't dread the start of the week normally, I kind of agree that today was one of those (wish it wasn't Monday) days....... My body just didn't not want to wake up and I don't suppose I was the only one.... It was rough..... I tried to be motivated to exercise and I did do my 14 miles but it took more out of me... The positives: It was not raining nor too terribly cold. The negatives: I would of rather slept in. :-)

As I watch the day go by, I can't help but wonder why Monday is so hated when every day can be a good or bad day. I guess the weekend is suppose to be a sleep in day but I know a lot of people who are super active during the weekend therefore, that excuse doesn't work for them.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Sick Day?!? NO

Cold Cold, go away..... Don't have time for a cold today. Trying to exercise while having a cold takes way too much effort.... I am ready to go back to bed.... but alas, I still have my work to do. Some how I don't think my awesome homeschooler will want to do school today since I am sick and she thinks that means a sickday for me..... and a day off for her....... Yeah, I don't think so kid. Ha ha.
There is an article "When Homeschool Moms are Sick" that I found, but somehow we are just not going to implement because while I feel aweful, I know I can keep my attitude problem (feeling blah) in check and the sweet teenager can still do her school work... Yep....I really liked the picture I found that talks about activities while sick.... There is so much more "juggling" you do when you have to breathe out of your mouth because your nose is stopped up. I will conquer this cold!!!! First I need to go buy more tissue for my nose.... A cool gross idea would be to put one of my tissues on a slide and put under the that's learning/teaching on your feet. Wonder if the teenager would think its neat..... Hum...probably not! Until next time..........