Friday, January 30, 2015

Random Thoughs on the Daniel Fast

 I don't think there is really very much "fast" food that is Daniel Fast friendly. The good news: You save money. The bad news.... don't even think about eating out.... at all. Its probably all processed....Depending on what avenue you choose as your "plan", you may not be able to have anything except Veggies and Fruit... that means no milk (the horror!), sugar ( Sad face), NO butter...or sugar...... NONE. DRINK only water (no soda or juice of any kind)...

While we missed the caffeine, for the majority of the time, most of the recipes (from the book) were good. Now that we are in our last week.... I think we have grown tired of it. The first week it was new and fun..... Week 3 has been a challenge. Every commerical has something food like that looks good! Every one of them..... and people on facebook post pictures of food....... OH MY! I think even the last couple of smoothies we have had just don't seem to taste as good as they did on day 1..... hum. We only have 3 more days but these will be the hardest..... WHY? Probably because we know it is coming to an end. Are we going to finish????? YES!!! Phil 4:13 says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me... Yep! That is my favorite verse and I have to say, in my weakest moments, that verse has gotten me through!

The last couple of days are going to be in reflection of what we have accomplished..... So far in my head,
I  have come up with a few good things:
  1. Reading my Bible More (praise God)
  2. Reading labels more
  3. Lost a little weight, did a few workouts
  4. Found some healthy recipes that we actually like
Yep.... so far so good...... Just don't get around me with a cookie right now.... You may find it missing suddenly. :-)  

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